Season 4 of Vietnam International Junior Fashion Week is a polychromatic and dynamic picture with the presence of 30 designers and brands from countries across the globe, over 500 models, and 4000 guests. The event has attracted 100,000 participants in accompanying activities, including a press release with the participating of 600 guests, a media ambassador searching contest with over 15,000 contestants, international awards for designers, models, make-up artists, stylists, and staff members, a model-searching casting round at universities, a charitable project about environment protection, etc. This is promised to be a huge “media explosion”.

This year’s announcement ceremony for VIJFW is held at a spectacular scale, with the stage simulated to the theme “The Flow of Time” and the fashion materials inspired by kingdoms all over the world as well as Vietnam’s unique cultural traits. With the participation of over 500 guests, over 100 television press units nationwide and the presence of illustrious models presenting latest collections from famous fashion brands, this event is promised to be a colorful and magnificent kick-off to the journey of VIJFW season 4 in 2024. Designer Thanh Man is currently catching the attention of the event’s fans.

Tran Thanh Man is a talented young fashion designer. He is currently the lead designer for his own fashion brand, TRAN THANH MAN. Having been brought up in a backcountry in the outskirts of Thua Thien Hue Province, Thanh Man was fascinated with drawing but had never thought of pursuing a fashion career in his childhood. He did not even know what “fashion” was until his senior year of high school when he first got access to the Internet.

The relentless effort has led Thanh Man to his current success. Currently, Thanh Man’s fashion brand is popular among women for its unique identity and convenience. Thanh Man is also a co-founding member of the CanaDesign fashion brand. In particular, his collections are also widely featured on large and small fashion stages across the country.

Sharing a bit more about his future plans, fashion designer Thanh Man said that he will continue to work hard to create unique and impressive products that will help Vietnamese fashion reach out to the world. Let's look forward to the collection of designer Thanh Man at the announcement ceremony of the Vietnam International Junior Fashion Week.