The show conspires many collections from well-known brands like MRJ, GAWA NI SHENG MODELO NI YHENG, L'FRACO, FASHIONATE OOTD,… 

Not only is a fashion runway, but Asian Stars International Fashion Week 2023 also provides magnificent performances. From melodious lyrics from Erich Ysabel B.Patalud, and Emma Robin to the powerful dance moves by Mikay, Hanna Sotto, etc. Especially the explosive performance of Alexa Salcedo when she stepped out the stairs and walked to the stage in a black-pink costume and white turtleneck boots as the highlight along with powerful vocals.

Kid singer Erich Ysabel B.Patalud 
Hanna Sotto: 
Emma Robbin
Alexa SAlcedo:

The show is hosted by 2 special MCs are Danica Louissa Lonzaga - Miss Pre Teen International 2019 (Thailand) and Gerald Gamban. The Asian Stars International Fashion Week 2023 conspires with leading designers in the region and is a playground for gifted and passionate children with the fashion catwalk.




