Nguyen Phan Bao Nhi - from fashion passion to conquering Vietnam Fashion Tour


Nurturing her passion for fashion and art from art shows on television, 2-year-old girl Nguyen Phan Bao Nhi once longed for the opportunity to stand on stage and shine in front of hundreds of audiences. Possessing a clear beauty and confident charisma, from the age of 4, Bao Nhi began participating in artistic activities and performed on many large and small stages domestically and internationally. With talent, effort, strong passion and lessons accumulated during the process of participating in fashion shows, Bao Nhi has excellently conquered Vietnam Fashion Tour with graceful steps full of professionalism.


Bao Nhi confidently struts her stuff on the runway, leaving a lasting impression at Vietnam Fashion Tour.

Sharing her feelings after her impressive pose on this special stage, Bao Nhi excitedly said: “I don't need to go far because Vietnam Fashion Tour has brought me new experience about the process of an international fashion show. At the show, I interacted with talented designers, new friends, and professional models and learned many valuable lessons. This is an important stepping stone on my journey to assert myself and conquer my modeling dream.”


With a passion for fashion and art since a young age, Bao Nhi shines brightly on both domestic and international stages.

“Little leggy” Bao Nhi rocking many high-caliber fashion stages


From her first steps on the catwalk to the "queen" conquering major fashion stages, Bao Nhi was also worried, scared, and shy about her new role. Before each show, she always spends time practicing, trying to walk as many times as possible to overcome mistakes. When the performance was over, Bao Nhi eagerly asked her mother if she had done well or not, and if there was any part that needed improvement. Her progress and high sense of responsibility make everyone admire and love her.


Bao Nhi's dedication and progress from her first steps on the catwalk to her role as a "queen" of major fashion stages inspire admiration and love.

Thanks to the enthusiastic support from her family and her own tireless efforts, Bao Nhi was trusted and given the opportunity to appear in many catwalks such as: “Little Princess”, “Children's Supermodel Festival”, Vedette of the “Em va Hoa” collection, Vedette of the “Nu hoang Ai Cap (Egyptian Queen)” collection by designer Nhat Thuc, Vedette at Vietnam Fashion Week and honored to be chosen as Empress of Asia - Pacific. In particular, Bao Nhi was also chosen as a vedette for Thailand Fashion Week 2022 - a famous fashion event in the “land of the Golden Pagodas”. These are the favorable beginnings of Bao Nhi's artistic journey and the clearest proof of the talent and potential of this promising model.


Guided by the expert training at Vietnam Star Academy, Bao Nhi's confidence and completeness shine through in her professional performances.

Bao Nhi - potential little sprout of Vietnamese models


In an interview about their daughter's journey on fashion catwalks, Bao Nhi's parents shared: “Since childhood, Bao Nhi has always been an obedient girl towards her parents and loving everyone. When she was given the opportunity to participate in the professional modeling training course at Vietnam Star Academy, she tried to study hard to soon be able to walk on big stages. The lectures that Mr. Ngoc and the lecturers at the Academy gave her made me feel extremely secure. She was meticulously guided in every move, from how to pose to how to express her charisma in a professional manner. After just one course, Bao Nhi became much more confident and complete.”


Bao Nhi's appearance at Vietnam Fashion Tour marks just the beginning of her promising journey in the fashion industry, filled with potential and talent.

Bao Nhi's impressive appearance at Vietnam Fashion Tour is proof of her development potential in the fashion field. Surely with effort and enthusiasm, Bao Nhi will achieve even more success and bring the audience impressive performances in the future. Please join MGI Magazine in continuing to follow and support the shining journey of "little muse" Bao Nhi!

Karlfya | Cameron Truong