MGI Magazine accompanying Miss VNUA 2024 


Returning this year, Miss VNUA is honored to collaborate with the international magazine MGI Magazine to organize a voting for the most popular contestant. This is the golden opportunity for VNUA students to show their solidarity and enthusiastic support for their favorite contestant. Join hands and vote for your favorite contestant and take them one step closer to the prestigious crown of MISS VNUA 2024! 


Naming the 6 “golden beauties” of Miss VNUA 2024 

On the journey to conquer the highest position at Miss VNUA 2024, these ladies are not just the colorful flowers accentuating the institute, but also representatives for the intellectual beauty, courage and benevolence of a modern Vietnamese woman. This journey is the proof for their studious spirit to constantly perfect themselves and strive for their noble values. Let’s roll call the talented top 6 of this year’s show!

Nguyen Thi Hang - No.171 - Class K68ENGA


Nguyen Thi Thanh Chuyen - No.56 - Class K66KEKTD


Nguyen Mai Hue - No.127 - Class K66ANHA
Trinh Ha Phuong - No.187 - Class K66CNTPA
Dang Quynh Phuong - No.31 - Class K68TYA
Nguyen Thi Han - No.59 - Class K68QLDLA

The endless battle for the winner title


Only a day after the voting was open, these college girls attracted mass attention from the public at VNUA and on social media. The current winning position belongs to Trinh Ha Phuong, followed closely by Nguyen Thi Hang and Nguyen Thi Thanh Chuyen. Dang Quynh Phuong, Nguyen Thi Han, Nguyen Mai Hue are also gradually rising their ranks in this race.


Continue to follow the journey to conquer the prestigious crown of these MISS VNUA contestants and vote for your favorite girl today!


Vote for Miss VNUA 2024 at: 


Karlfya | Cameron Truong