We all believe that roses are the most perfect symbol of gentleness, warmth and kindness. Therefore, as loyal servants of Beauty, Menard and Ha Anh Tuan will together sketch out their own “rose” in 2024.
From the rose on the left chest, singer Ha Anh Tuan will continue to accompany Menard Vietnam to create true “roses” for life. Perhaps the audience is no longer unfamiliar with the image of an elegant man in a suit, standing in the middle of a stage filled with fresh flowers and sharing love stories with the audience through songs.
“I love and I have loved, although there is often a lot of pain. But what a pity because when I am loved, I will give and give a lot without holding back…”. That man brings love stories from a heart that is excited and burning, from an inner strength that is full, just waiting to give a love without calculation, without hesitation about what the future will bring.
Perhaps that is the reason why on the left side of the chest where the heart is beating so fast, love has made flowers bloom.