A costume inspired by the Maya civilization, specifically honoring the Rabbit King and reflecting the culture's sophisticated achievements in writing, art, and architecture.


The Maya civilization is a Central American culture known for its hieroglyphic writing system, one of the most sophisticated scripts in the Americas, along with remarkable achievements in art, architecture, mathematics, calendrical systems, and astrology. This design draws inspiration from one of the Maya stelae created to honor the Rabbit King, which historically reflects the imagery of the altar on the stela, emphasizing his death. The costume serves as a tribute, honoring the life and history of the classic era in Honduras, the Maya civilization, and its most significant king.


The design pays tribute to the classic era in Honduras, highlighting the contributions of 18 Rabbits, who led the city of Copan to prosperity and growth.


It is known that the 18 Rabbits significantly developed the city of their ancestors, making it one of the most cherished cities due to his reign being the peak of growth and prosperity. As the creator of most of the monuments and architectural works in Copan, his image is reflected in every corner of the Maya city. This design is based on details from ancient sculptures and the stories of a civilization that once thrived. The costume evokes a sense of history, legend, and mystery, making it incredibly captivating. Not merely a fashion design, it represents a heartfelt tribute from an entire nation to their ancient king.


Designer Franklin Lopez has infused intricate patterns and thoughtful color coordination into the outfit, transforming it into a heartfelt tribute to the Maya king, ensuring that his legacy and the cultural heritage of the Maya civilization are remembered and celebrated.


Designer Franklin Lopez has infused his tribute and gratitude into his creation, successfully incorporating intricate patterns and perfect color coordination alongside just the right cuts. More than just a design, this outfit serves as a letter - a heartfelt thank you and a remembrance of ancient tales. By honoring the life and history of the most significant king of the Maya civilization, his legacy and heritage will forever endure in the country, highlighting the art, culture, and history that have been beautifully presented.


Larissa | Cameron Truong | Karlfya