Kylie Wan (13 years old), was born and raised in Yau Tong in Hong Kong, currently she is studying at Marymount Secondary School. Lucky to have entered the modeling field very early, Kylie Wan has accumulated enough equipment to pursue the path of becoming a professional model.

To focus on her studies, Kylie had to stop appearing on catwalks as a model. But with a burning desire and the dream of contributing to the Asian modeling industry, she was once again determined to return to continue taking the next steps on her path to conquering the top.


“My dream is to become a professional model, someone who, even if she doesn't completely fit beauty standards, can still inspire people to be confident and believe in their inner beauty. Helping people, despite having many shortcomings and shortcomings, can still confidently shine on the stage of their own lives" - confided Kylie Wan.


Born into a family with a tradition of art, with a mother who is a design expert and a father who works as an interior designer, Kylie Wan showed her love for art from an early age and received support from her family. household. “I even participated on behalf of my elementary school as an arts ambassador, my family responded positively and they looked forward to my career choice, they respected my wanted to become a model and pursue my dreams, my family always supported me, booking shows and looking for opportunities for me to shine as a new model in the industry” - Kylie Wan shared when asked about his family.


The family also helped her learn to divide her time between modeling and her studies by not trying to schedule shows on days when she had to go to school at the time. Kylie Wan always prioritized and wanted to focus on her studies as a student instead of her modeling career, only after school did she spend more time focusing on her modeling career.


With the motto "your own happiness must be your top priority - do what makes you happy because no one can stop you", Kylie hopes that young people with passion want to become models or If you're thinking about this, do it now. It really helps you boost your confidence and will have a huge impact on your spirit, making the picture of your childhood more colorful and wonderful.

Up to now, Kylie Wan has performed at around 10 events in her modeling career. Even though that number is not much, she always cherishes it as if this is the first time she meets new people, but it always feels like an adventure and makes her wait nervously. With passion and great support from her family, it is certain that Kylie Wan will have great successes in the future.