Unique marks of Helsen We in the “county” of arts 


Albeit a new name, Helsen Wu is gradually asserting his position in the art industry. This young guy isn’t just a professional model but also a promising dancer, actor and singer. Owning an outstanding personality along with natural gifts, Helsen Wu has quickly reaped impressive successes with awards like “Best Catwalk” in MT Modeling 2023 and 2024, Top 3 of a solo singing contest, along with numerous roles in renowned movies.


Helsen Wu

Sharing about his successes, Helsen Wu expressed: “Besides my passion for arts and constant learning efforts, I always try to enhance my own skills and spend time attending professional classes to complete myself. I’m attending a catwalk training course led by Ms. Murine Tsui, and with her experiences, I not only get to learn about how to walk but also am instructed about how to express my personal style on the stage. This helps me become confident and shine to the brightest on stages.”


The promising new face of the “Fragrant Harbor” entertainment industry


Stepping into an artistic field full of potential but also a lot of challenges, Helsen Wu is aware that if he wants a firm position, he has to enhance his talents, skills and style to forge his own distinctive personal identity. Therefore, constant effort is his key to success. This young man keeps on attaining knowledge and staying up-to-date with trends and always finds a way to express his unique personality. Upon exchanging about this, Helsen Wu shared: “Over my whole career path, I’ve met and spoken with many people, I know how to appropriately show my respect and learned how to express my talent in front of the camera in a suitable manner. This also influences the way I seek inspirations. With different perspectives in various fields, I’ll stay open-minded and get in touch with multiple aspects that can arouse new ideas and perspectives in me.”


Helsen Wu captivates the audience with his soulful singing, demonstrating his versatility and emotional depth as an artist
Helsen Wu flaunts his unique personal fashion taste and distinctive style in a beautiful and impressive photograph

Helsen Wu’s journey to conquer his dreams is not limited within his town or country. The 17-year-old boy filled with ambitions always strives to rise by participating in international contests, collaborating with foreign artists and performing on various stages. To him, each performance is a memorable experience. With meticulous preparation from his outfits to performing style, as the bright light shines on him, Helsen Wu appears, confidently shining, drawing all eyes towards him and leaving deep marks in the audience’s heart.


The young talents’ journey of conquering high-caliber stages


As a young influencer, Helsen Wu always strives to dedicate himself through voluntary activities and community service. This young man stated: “Although these are just small activities like hosting events, supporting charitable organizations or doing cleaning, I believe all my efforts will bring positive impacts to everyone. Furthermore, I also want to transmit this energy of mine to more people through my own melodies.”


Helsen Wu, a professional model, exudes elegance and confidence, delivering a message of sophistication and self-assurance

Working in a new field with full of potentials and challenges, Helsen Wu shared: “I’m willing to put all my heart and soul into developing my career in this field. I think the peak of my success will arrive when I follow my heart and pursue what I really love. The artistic path can be arduous, but passion will be the motivation for us to devote our best into that path.”


Helsen Wu conquers his audience not only by his talent but also his sincerity and passion. This young man’s journey to conquer his dreams is the evident for his vitality, passion and relentless effort. With his effort and passion, Helsen Wu promises to reach further in the future, become a talented and adored artist.

Karlfya | Cameron Truong