Global Student Fashion Week (GSFW) has officially launched, providing a dynamic platform for young designers to showcase their creativity and connect with others globally.


Global Student Fashion Week marking a new journey


Global Student Fashion Week (GSFW) - the fashion week exclusively for global students - has officially launched, creating an explosive playground for creativity and connecting the passions of young talented designers worldwide. GSFW 2025 brings a completely new look, not only showcasing collections but also exploring the stories, messages, and creative ideas behind each collection.


GSFW 2025 introduces a novel approach by highlighting the stories, messages, and creative ideas behind each collection.


Each young designer will have the opportunity to share their story with a broader audience. Notably, for the first time in history, GSFW 2025 will make its mark by gathering 45 presidents of beauty pageants, editors-in-chief of magazines, and principals/vice-principals to walk the runway as models.


 For the first time, the event will feature 45 presidents of beauty pageants, editors-in-chief of magazines, and school principals walking the runway as models.


With this grand debut, Global Student Fashion Week promises to be the most spectacular event, leaving a profound impact on the creation of a new era for the global fashion industry. 


This grand debut aims to revolutionize the global fashion industry.


Ms. Aliya Sirisopha - Transgender beauty with unyielding courage 


Ms. Aliya Sirisopha is a model in the LGBT community. Throughout her journey of self-discovery, she has always been strong, vibrant, resilient, and courageous. With all her skills, experiences, and adventures, this beauty from the “Land of a Million Elephants” has steadily made a name for herself in the public eye. She boldly expresses her unique personality and continuously learns and grows every day. Her quest for identity has faced many challenges due to her being a part of the LGBT community. 


Ms. Aliya Sirisopha, a transgender model from Laos, exemplifies courage and resilience within the LGBT community.


She was once banned from participating in beauty pageants because she is transgender, a controversy that sparked significant debate among the Lao audience. Despite facing these challenges, Ms. Aliya Sirisopha remained determined and never gave up.


Despite facing significant challenges, including being banned from beauty pageants, she won the title of Miss Queen Laos 2020, demonstrating her perseverance and dedication. 


Her perseverance paid off when she won the title of Miss Queen Laos 2020, a victory that highlights her relentless efforts and dedication. 


 At GSFW 2025, Ms. Sirisopha will serve as a Global Ambassador, engaging in media activities to spread positive messages and support disadvantaged families.


Ms. Aliya Sirisopha accompanying Global Student Fashion Week in a new role 


Participating in this year's event, Ms. Aliya Sirisopha joins as a Global Ambassador, directly engaging in media activities to spread positive messages worldwide. This role is quite new for her, and the responsibilities of a Global Ambassador are significant, demanding even more from Ms. Aliya Sirisopha.


This role marks a significant opportunity for her to enhance her public image and continue her journey of self-improvement. 


However, she feels extremely excited and honored to participate in Global Student Fashion Week, as it provides an opportunity for her to help disadvantaged families and engage in volunteer work to support those facing hardships. Moreover, Global Student Fashion Week is a global-scale event, offering her a chance to further enhance her public image. 


Her participation is expected to significantly enhance the event's success and global reach.


With her relentless efforts, Ms. Aliya Sirisopha continues her journey of overcoming challenges and self-improvement. Follow MGI Magazine for the latest updates on her journey as a Global Ambassador! 


This fashion week promises to be a convergence of excellence, combining spectacular outfits and experienced models to create an unforgettable experience.

Larissa | Cameron Truong