The final night of Mister National Universe 2023, organized on June 27 at the Amari Watergate Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. Benedict Yu became the new Mister National Universe 2023. He is a 28-year-old medical doctor in Kota Kinabalu City, Malaysia. Aside from the top title, he also receives Mister Popular and Mister Flawless Skin titles.

The new Mister National Universe 2023 (Source: Mister National Universe)
Benedict Yu at the coronation night (Source: Mister National Universe)

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th runner-ups respectively named Marcus Charlie Bishop from England, Kritti Nampradit from Thailand, Michael Ver Comaling from Philippines, and Tishkin Vladislav from Latvia. Besides, the special awards go to the following representatives:

Mister Perfect Body - Maxim Zvonov from Russia
Mister Congeniality - Michael Den Oudsten from Netherlands
Mister Photogenic - Michael Ver Comaling from Philippines
Fashion Icon - Jonzu Jones from United States
Media Choice - Takumi Ozawa from Japan

The Top 5 of Mister National Universe 2023 (Source: Mister National Universe)

Mister National Universe is the worldwide pageant for men, held annually. This year marked the 5th edition of Mister National Universe, attracting over 20 candidates from across the world. On the last coronation night, Ngo Hoang Phi Viet - the former Mister National Universe 2022 crowned Benedict Yu - the new Mister National Universe 2023. 

Mia Dinh