Koka Binh Nguyen discovered his love for fashion at the age of 2 and has since performed on numerous catwalks, leaving a unique impression on the audience. 


Koka Binh Nguyen - One whose talent blossomed early


Falling in love with fashion when he was only 2 years old, young Pham Tran Binh Nguyen has had the opportunity to perform on many large and small catwalks. Appearing on fashion catwalks, Pham Tran Binh Nguyen left unique personal marks that made the audience love him. He was born into a family with a mother who loves art and inspired him to pursue the field. From a young age, he showed signs of being a future star such as being able to appreciate music, or confidently posing in front of the camera.


Born into a family with an artistic mother, he exhibited early signs of talent, such as appreciating music and confidently posing for the camera.


Although he hasn't been exposed to fashion for long, this boy has already made an impression when performing at the Stella Fashion Show - this is his introduction to the Vietnamese fashion industry. Besides, there are a series of remarkable achievements just as admirable as professional models: Top 16 Hot Face voted by Beauty Family magazine, Junior Model 2023, performing at Stella Fashion show, Phieu Dieu, VIJFW 2024, etc.


His debut in the Vietnamese fashion industry was at the Stella Fashion Show, and he has since achieved accolades like Top 16 Hot Face by Beauty Family magazine and Junior Model 2023.


Journey of self-development for the innocent boy


Without limiting himself in the journey of realizing his dream of becoming a professional model, Koka continued to try other subjects, making continuous efforts to develop himself comprehensively. Binh Nguyen has the ability to learn very quickly and speaks English very well. Even though he is only 4 years old, he can memorize and sing all English songs. Furthermore, the boy also has a passion for acting and filming. With the encouragement and support of his family, this young boy will certainly develop further in the future.


Despite his young age, Binh Nguyen, also known as Koka, is versatile and learns quickly, even memorizing and singing English songs at 4 years old. 


“The raw diamond” Binh Nguyen appearing on the stage of VIJFW 2024 


Recently, Koka had the opportunity to appear on the stage of VIJFW 2024. With experience performing on large and small fashion catwalks, Binh Nguyen easily caught up with experienced models to strut on the stage of the fashion week. His confident demeanor and lovely face have made admirers “restless”. Binh Nguyen's presence at VIJFW 2024 is an explosive factor contributing to the success of this season's event. 


Koka Binh Nguyen is considered a rising star, and his future journey is highly anticipated.


Vietnam International Junior Fashion Week 2024 has ended with great success. Binh Nguyen - a bright star has become a great piece for the event. Please join MGI Magazine in looking forward to Koka Binh Nguyen's next journey in the future!


Peonie | Cameron Truong