Hoang Nhat Quyen - potential child model conquers the big prize


Hoang Nhat Quyen - the promising face of Vietnam's child model industry

Revealing her passion for photography since she was a child, Nhat Quyen did not miss the opportunity to try her hand at art photo shoots or catwalks on professional catwalks. Her confident steps and ecstatic "chic" charisma have been highly appreciated by experts and trusted by many important positions on big stages. Nhat Quyen's hard work every day has helped her gradually improve her abilities and "pocket" some admirable awards. Recently, this "little model" of the children's modeling industry was honored to be named in the Style category of the International Kid Stars Award 2023 - an award reviewed and presented by MGI Magazine, Thai Alicio magazine, and LBMA Academy.


The muse has left a special mark on many stages and brands

Hoang Nhat Quyen - the promising face of Vietnam's child model industry

Growing up in an environment with many factors for development, "muse" Hoang Nhat Quyen always shows her dynamism and inquiring spirit. In every task, she listens seriously and pays attention to practice to complete it well right from the first session. Not inferior to her predecessors, every time she appears on stage, Nhat Quyen always delivers eye-catching performances, leaving the audience with many unforgettable impressions. Her seriousness and meticulousness have brought Nhat Quyen many good opportunities, being sought after and entrusted by many catwalks and fashion brands.


Hoang Nhat Quyen - a model of the "next-door kid"

Hoang Nhat Quyen - a model of the "next-door kid"

Not only known as an excellent model on the journey to conquer her passion, Nhat Quyen is also known as the legendary model of "next-door kid". Not resting on her laurels with prestigious awards in the field of art, Nhat Quyen continued to study hard to become a "perfectly talented" girl, maintaining her position on the path to pursuing her career. chase passion. With the ability to organize her time scientifically, Nhat Quyen has earned the title of excellent student for many years of study. These will be solid foundations for this "little flower" to conquer the upcoming journeys.

Hoang Nhat Quyen is increasingly proving that she is a bright face of the Vietnamese child modeling industry in the future. Hopefully in the upcoming journeys, this talented girl will continue to make more efforts to make a name for herself as well as open up new opportunities on her career path.

Karlfya | Bona