The idea of minimalism emphasizes living simply, neatly, and orderly by having only what is absolutely necessary. In terms of minimalist fashion, it is all about stocking your closet with things you love and that fit you well. A tiny selection of products should make up your minimalist wardrobe because simplicity is essential to minimalism.

There should be no more than 3 colors, neutral colors are preferred 

Color is a distinctive element of the minimalist fashion aesthetic. The majority of minimalist clothing is monochrome and neutral in color, like white, black, caramel, or navy, with a limited amount of vivid hues. These colors make it simple to blend clothing into many various looks, and they also make you appear more elegant. 

A blazer with jeans will create distinctive mixtures (Image source: @helena_pan)

Quality over quantity

Choosing adequate items and the right accessories plays a vital role to level up one’s appearance. Minimalism does not necessarily mean cutting things off as much as possible. People who opt for this style need to know how much is enough and what is most suitable for themselves. 

The addition of glasses can be a highlight (Image source: Luciane Sakon)

Depending on your needs and different situations, there will be various combinations like wearing accessories or not. A pair of basic earrings, a purse to hold your personal stuff, a brooch, a high-quality belt, spectacles, and trendy, stylish timepieces are some essential accessories you can take into consideration. 
Besides, in addition to being more convenient, minimalism also results in significant financial savings and reduces a large amount of waste released into the environment.

Prioritize clothes that fit and suit your body

Not just those who opt for a minimalist lifestyle, but everyone should be able to find items that complement their unique personalities and physical characteristics. To appear more fashionable, many people frequently tend to follow some trends or imitate others. This is nothing wrong, you totally can add some modern twist to your minimalist wardrobe but the core purpose is to use what you have for a statement. 

Being confident with your body is the most attractive (Image source: Ani Margarian)

As mentioned above, researching and figuring out which type of body shape you have almost decided the success of your outfit. In conclusion, how you dress does not have to lean on any rules and nothing is a must. When you deliberately adopt a lifestyle or just a style in fashion like minimalism, it represents more than just your clothing; it is a change in your way of life, a type of dedication to live more simply and make room for only the things that are really necessary.

In conclusion, how you dress does not have to lean on any rules and nothing is a must. When you deliberately adopt a lifestyle or just a style in fashion like minimalism, it represents more than just your clothing; it is a change in your way of life, a type of dedication to live more simply and make room for only the things that are really necessary.

