Mindfulness has its roots in Buddhist meditation, which is a practice that aims to increase awareness of the mind and concentration. This practice focuses on breathing and sensations in the body. Mindfulness practice can be integrated into daily activities such as walking, eating, or even while interacting with others. As a result, you can feel happier when you think things in a positive way, accept to be less vulnerable, and bravely face the difficult things that come your way. 

Besides that, mindfulness can increase concentration and decrease pressure. As the distraction makes many people feel tired, there is not much energy to work, resulting in ineffective work efficiency. Hence, in the long run, it will cause you to become stressed because of the pressure around you.

Focusing on the breath is the key part of mindfulness.

In this fast-changing society, when the pressure of work and life increases, it requires us to develop our ability to concentrate. Mindfulness can help reduce stress, lower negative reactions as well as strengthen focus, productivity, and resilience. Mindfulness at work is when you really focus on work. In other words, attention here is to consciously focus on the present task, without distractions or judgments. A 2018 study published in the American Journal of Medicine found that nurses who applied a mindfulness technique at work for 30 days experienced significant improvements in job performance.

Here are some suggestions for starters who want to apply mindfulness in the workplace:

Focusing on breath: This is the easiest way of practicing mindfulness at work. Whenever you feel stressed during the workday, just spend a few minutes focusing on inhaling and exhaling. Then, you can feel more relaxed. 

Setting break time: When under the pressure of facing overload at work, most people think that they don't have enough time to take a rest. According to research, the most productive people have an ideal cycle of 52 minutes of work, followed by a 17-minute break. No matter what you do, taking regular breaks can be effective and help re-energize when the mind starts to tire.

Checking social media less: Social media can be a source of distraction, causing us to forget about higher-priority tasks. If possible, turn off notifications and only check your social media when you really have time. 

Applying mindfulness to workplace may result in higher work performance (Source: Mindful Leadership Vietnam)


Mia Dinh