Located on the Giza plateau in Egypt, it is the largest of the three pyramids in the complex and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 

The Great Pyramid was built during the reign of the pharaoh Khufu, who ruled Egypt from around 2589-2566 BCE. It was constructed using more than 2 million limestone blocks, each weighing up to 80 tons. The pyramid stands 147 meters tall and covers an area of more than 13 acres.

One of the most impressive aspects of the Great Pyramid is its precise engineering. The pyramid was built with an impressive degree of accuracy, with each block fitting perfectly with the next. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians used a system of ramps and pulleys to transport the blocks and lift them into place.

Let's see the majestic beauty of The great Pyramid of Giza

The purpose of the Great Pyramid is still a subject of debate among historians and archaeologists. It is generally believed to have been built as a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu, although there is some speculation that it may have served a more complex function, such as a temple or astronomical observatory.

Despite the Great Pyramid's impressive engineering and size, it is also known for its numerous mysteries and secrets. One of the most famous is the hidden chambers and passageways within the pyramid. While many of these areas have been explored by archaeologists, there are still some that have yet to be discovered or fully explored.

Strange door found inside The great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza continues to fascinate people around the world, with millions of tourists visiting it each year. Its precise engineering, mysterious history, and awe-inspiring size make it a truly remarkable feat of ancient architecture. As we continue to learn more about this ancient wonder, we are left with a greater appreciation for the ingenuity and creativity of the ancient Egyptians who built it.

Image source: Internet.
